Category Archives: Humorous

Identity crisis

Tony popped in yesterday on his way to Tarporley to tinker with his “boys toys” which he always does on a Sunday, I was in the middle of vacuuming the stairs “the worse job in the world” isn’t it girls, it might not be if my Hoover hadn’t belonged to Noah, wasn’t so heavy and would suck properly, “I really do need to get a new one” anyway I looked like a blonde Raggedy Ann and felt a bugger,  he went and made me a cuppa while I finished the stairs off, he didn’t offer to do it for me “the swine” but hey-ho lol, then we sat and had a good chat, he wanted my opinion on something.

He’s only thinking of buying a house boat “Barge” to live on through the Summer months, just to drift around and enjoy life and he asked if I was any good at cleaning brass, because there is a lot on a barge, so he says “invite or what”  is he’s feeling the water maybe? I mean our relationship hasn’t even gotten to the toddler stage yet. I’m looking forward to the teenage stage though, oh yes!

Now I suppose you’re wondering about the header, well here is the culprit

On his way out Tony said “I think your kettle has an identity crisis, it’s leaking like a sieve” it wasn’t, he had over filled it lol, love him to bits lmao.

Oh I am such a scaredy cat………………………………

My perfect sandwich. Postaday2011

Marmite jars

Image via Wikipedia

Describe the perfect sandwich.

You have up to $5,000 to spend.

I would spend the money on having two huge rounds of  thick wholemeal bread made and delivered to my home, I’d fill them with jelly, custard, Jeff Goldblum, Myself and Sean Connery, now that would be my idea of a perfect sandwich, if Jeff and Sean weren’t up for it, well they are getting on a bit now, I’d settle for Marmite and Chedder.